DRS will be decommissioned for usage on December 9th, 2025. On June 26, 2025 applicants, designees and unit members will transition from DRS to DMS for registration and training (This includes the ODA Administrators). Designated Engineering Reps, and Engineering Unit members will continue to use DRS until September 30th, 2025 and transition the DMS the next training cycle. *FAQs and more information will be coming soon*

DER/ODA Engineering UM

(0) (27200187) 2025 Engineering Designee Recurrent General Training Overview
This course provides information about the Engineering Designee Recurrent Training Program. This course consists of the following lessons:
Lesson 1: Engineering Designee Training Program Overview
Lesson 2: Policy Update
Lesson 3: Blackboard Features
Lesson 4: Designee Information Websites
(0) 2025 Recurrent Training for Acoustic Designees (DERs and UMs)
Online Acoustic Recurrent Training. Policy Memorandum AIR600-19-6F0-PM01 changes the training policy for acoustic DER’s and ODA unit members.  Prior to the memo, these individuals were exempted from the annual technical training requirements that every other engineering designee is required to complete.  With this change, acoustic designees will be required to complete an annual on-line recurrent training requirement.  For those years when an in-person acoustic seminar is offered (typically every 2-years) the in-person session will still be identified as a requirement.
(0) 2025 Recurrent Training for Electrical Engineering Designees (DERs and UMs)
This course provides emerging technology topics as well as updates on issues within the technical disciplines. It contains updates to FAA policy, regulations, and guidance on issues for Electrical DERs, ODA Engineering UMs, FAA DER advisors and engineering and flight test OMT members.
(0) 2025 Recurrent Training for Flight Test Engineering Designees (DERs and UMs)
This course provides emerging technology topics as well as updates on issues within the technical disciplines. It contains updates to FAA policy, regulations, and guidance on issues for Flight Test DERs, ODA Engineering UMs, FAA DER advisors and engineering and flight test OMT me
(0) 2025 Recurrent Training for Mechanical Systems Engineering Designees (DERs and UMs)
This course provides emerging technology topics as well as updates on issues within the technical disciplines. It contains updates to FAA policy, regulations, and guidance on issues for Mechanical Systems DERs, ODA Engineering UMs, FAA DER advisors and engineering and flight test OMT members.
(0) 2025 Recurrent Training for Powerplant, Engine and Propeller Engineering Designees(DERs and UMs)
This course provides emerging technology topics as well as updates on issues within the technical disciplines. It contains updates to FAA policy, regulations, and guidance on issues for Powerplant, Engine and Propeller DERs, ODA Engineering UMs, FAA DER advisors and engineering and flight test OMT members.
(0) 2025 Recurrent Training for Structures Engineering Designees (DERs and UMs)
This course provides emerging technology topics as well as updates on issues within the technical disciplines. It contains updates to FAA policy, regulations, and guidance on issues for Structures DERs, ODA Engineering UMs, FAA DER advisors and engineering and flight test OMT members.
(0) Initial Training for Designated Engineering Representatives
This training is required for all DER applicants prior to appointment as a DER.

The DER Initial Training package consists of three courses that all must be successfully completed to obtain a certificate of completion for the DER Initial training. The package includes the following three courses:

- 27200135 Aircraft Certification for Engineering Designees (6.5 Hours)
- 27200025 Becoming A Designated Engineering Representative (2.5 Hours)
- 27200026 Roles and Responsibilities for AIR Engineering Designees (1.5 Hours)

You must complete all of the courses to receive your certificate of completion. You will have "90" days to complete all 3 courses in this curriculum..
(0) Initial Training for ODA Engineering Designees
By enrolling in this curriculum you are automatically enrolling in two courses. You must complete both of the courses to receive your certificate of completion. You will have "90 days" to complete these courses. If you need an extension a request must be sent PRIOR to your expiration date.

A completion certificate will be emailed to you through the registration system once you complete the two courses listed.

Course Length: 8 hours.

The two courses are:
- 27200135 Aircraft Certification for Engineering Designees (6.5 Hours)
- 27200026 Roles and Responsibilities for AIR Engineering Designees (1.5 Hours)

Once you have enrolled in this Initial Training course the enrollment cannot be cancelled.
(27200027) Repairs and Alterations for AIR Engineering Designees (DERs and UMs)
You may sign up to receive an alert when the course is open. This course describes the information regarding Repairs and Alterations for AIR Engineering Designees. Course Length: 1 Hour. [Rev. 3/2019]
(27200043) Electrical: Systems Aspects of Certification
The System Aspects of Certification intended for Designees or Unit Members who are involved in the certification of highly integrated systems, or sometimes called system of systems, that use electronic hardware, software and electromechanical designs to implement aircraft functions. This course provides an overview of these systems aspects of certification and how a development assurance process and can be applied to a highly integrated and complex system of systems and its associated guidance. Course Length: 2 hours.
(27200057) Powerplant: Understanding a Propeller Type Certificate Data Sheet
This course describes the information displayed on the Propeller Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS). Course Length: 1 hour.
(27200058) Powerplant: Diesel Engine Certification
This course provides information regarding the guidance and resources for use in Diesel Engine Certification Programs. Course Length: 1 hour
(27200060) Powerplant: CAAM Overview
This course provides information regarding Powerplant: Continued Airworthiness Assessment Methodologies Overview. Course Length: 1 hour.
(27200062) Powerplant: Transport Airplane Propulsion Certification Issues
This course describes the information regarding Powerplant: Transport Airplane Propulsion Certification Issues. Course Length: 1 hour.
(27200063) Mechanical: Flight Controls Emerging Concerns
This course describes the information regarding Mechanical: Flight Controls Emerging Concerns. Course Length: 1 hour.
(27200068) Mechanical: Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluid
This course describes the information regarding fire resistant hydraulic fluids in aviation. Course Length: 1 hour.
(27200069) Flight Test: Risk Management Update
This course describes the Flight Test Risk Management Process. Topics covered include: FAA Order 4040.26B, the steps in the Flight Test Risk Management Process, the Safety Review Board, the Risk Assessment Chart and it’s Alternatives, Risk Alleviation, and Safety Reporting, Qualification Testing, Ground and Flight Testing, and EMC Flight Test Risk Management. Course length 30 minutes.
(27200070) Flight Test: Considerations for EMC Certification
This course covers the various issues that should be addressed for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) certification. Topics addressed include: factors involved with controlling EMC, various mechanisms of interference, examples of interference, and the applicable Regulations and Guidance.
Course length: 1 hour.
(27200095) Structures: Finite Element Modeling and Analysis Validation Part I
This course describes the FAA requirements and acceptable methods for Finite Element Modeling (FEM) and Analysis (FEA) Validation. Course Length 1 hour.
(27200096) Structures: Finite Element Modeling and Analysis Validation Part II
This course describes the different means of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) validation and the validation considerations for FEA versus test and FEA versus classical solution methods. This course also provides several Case Studies as examples. Course Length 1 hour.
(27200098) Structures: Certification Compliance for Bird Strike Requirements
This course addresses several issues associated with demonstrating compliance with the bird strike requirements of § 25.571(e)(1) and 25.631 based on experience gathered over numerous certification programs. Certification compliance falls into one of four categories: test, validated analysis, similarity, and shielding (installation is shielded by other structure that cannot be penetrated by a bird). Discussion of each certification approach will include a review of certification compliance data requirements, FAA designee responsibilities, and FAA involvement. Course Length 1 hour.
(27200106) Electrical: Electronic Flight Bag Policy Overview
This course provides the fundamentals of electronic flight bag (EFB) function. It also presents the current FAA guidance and policy, as well as information on upcoming technology developments and next generation (NextGen) implications. It discusses hardware and software operational authorization, current guidance, and design and installation guidance.

Course Length 1 hour. This course was last updated March 2022.
(27200108) Flight Test: Takeoff and Landing Performance Assessment (TALPA) Advisory Circulars
This course provides information about the formation of the TALPA ARC and the result of the TALPA ARC. It also includes an overview of Part 25 and Part 25 AC guidelines. It covers TALPA ARC activity and the aviation industry and the final FAA TALPA implementation plan. Course length: 3 hours.
(27200109) Mechanical/Powerplant: Icing Related Regulatory Changes
This course explains the expanded icing environments to be considered for new transport category airplanes certified for flight in icing. It also describes the airframe aspects of the rulemaking and is intended for individuals showing compliance to Part 25 for icing related regulations.
Course Length 1 hour.
(27200110) Mechanical: Post Maintenance Functional Tests
This course explains FAA Policy Statement PS-ANM-25-18, Post-Maintenance Checks and Tests. It also describes the purpose of post maintenance functional tests and/or checks relative to the transport airplane certification process; the meaning of maintenance tasks and criteria by which post maintenance functional checks and tests should be called out; and, the principles by which manufacturers should develop a process that can be presented to the Aircraft Certification Office/Organization Designation Authorization as part of the data needed to show compliance to specific regulations.
Course Length 1 hour.
(27200111) Powerplant: Fire Protection of Engine Cowling and Other Components
This course provides information about considerations for compliance to the fireproof requirements for engine cowling in 14 CFR § 25.1193 and the relationship to the fire protection requirements for other components per § 25.867. Course length 1 hour.
(27200112) Powerplant: Valve Controls located in Flight Deck
This course provides information about the requirements for powerplant valve controls located in the flight deck on transport category airplanes. More specifically, Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) § 25.1141(f) will be discussed and recurring compliance issues associated with powerplant valve controls will be highlighted. Course length 1 hour.
(27200113) Powerplant: Turbine Engine Endurance Test
This course provides an overview of the requirements, common challenges in running the endurance test, and addresses specific topics related to the endurance test of the § 33.87 regulation. Course length: 1.5 hours.
(27200114) Powerplant: Guidance for 14 CFR 33.4 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
This course provides some guidance on the regulatory requirements for developing engine Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA). Course length: 1 Hour.
(27200115) Powerplant: Guidance for 14 CFR 33.28 Engine Control Systems
This course explains the requirements and related standards found in § 33.28. It also describes the evolution and structure of AC 33.28-3, the methods of compliance as defined by AC 33.28-3 in Chapters 2-16, and the areas of concern regarding AC 33.28-3. Course length: 1.5 hours.
(27200116) Electrical: System Safety Analysis
The course explains the recent changes to FAA process in finding compliance to 14 CFR 2X.1309 by reviewing guidelines identified in advisory circulars as acceptable means of compliance (ARP 4754A and ARP 4761). The course also discusses the FAA recommendations allowed by the safety continuum. Course length 1 hour. [Rev 3, June 2021]
(27200118) Electrical: ADS-B Installations
This course describes the Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) installation approval process. Course length 1 hour.
(27200130) Structures: Composite Guidance - Present and In Development
This course provides information about recent and future composite guidance deliverables.
First, it explains the history of the Composite Safety and Certification Initiative (CS&CI), composite guidance, the AVS Composite Plan, and composite training. Next, it describes the background of the BRSL issue, the BRSL policy content, and the other bonding activities. Then, it describes the background of the HEWABI issue, the HEWABI policy content, and the other service damage activities.
Course length: 1.5 hours.
(27200137) Structures: Cargo – Certification of Cargo Related Projects
This course describes the issues involved with the transport of cargo during cargo operations and the actions taken by the FAA to prevent future cargo-related aircraft accidents. Course length: 2 hours.
(27200139) Mechanical: Cargo Compartment Fire Protection
This course describes regulations that govern cargo compartment fire/smoke detection and fire suppression/ extinguishing systems, acceptable methods of demonstrating compliance to regulations that govern cargo compartment fire/smoke detection, and fire suppression/extinguishing systems and challenges to compliance.
(27200140) Structures: Aeroelastic Stability
The purpose of this course is to enable participants to navigate the regulations, industry standards,
policies, and other guidance to assure compliance with aeroelastic stability requirements
for Part 23 and Part 25. Course Hours: 1 Hour
(27200141) Structures: Radome Certification
This course explains the regulations, policy, and guidance used in Part 23 and Part 25 radome certification. Course Length: 1.5 Hours.
(27200142) Flight Test: Certification Test Plan Development
This course consists of one lesson and outlines the requirements and elements necessary to develop an effective Certification Test Plan. It describes the information contained in FAA Order 8110.4C, Type Certification, and FAA Order 4040.26, Aircraft Certification Service Flight Test Risk Management Program. It includes information about the Test Plan Scope and Objectives, Documenting Requirements and Method(s) of Compliance (MOC), Defining Success Criteria, Conformity Requirements, and Risk Management (RM).
(27200143) Electrical: Aircraft Systems Information Security Protection (ASISP)
This course is intended to familiarize ACO engineers and certification delegation authority with design considerations for connected aircraft information network security technology and the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) Aircraft Systems Information Security Protection (ASISP) regulations, policies and guidance that are used to perform and evaluate security risk assessment for aircraft systems.
Course length: 1 hour
(27200144) Mechanical: Testing of Flight Control Surfaces
This course describes the policy on 14 CFR §25.651(a) concerning testing of flight control surfaces and the FAA policy for application of §25.683 concerning testing to flight flyby- wire control inceptors for transport airplanes.
(27200147) Powerplant: The Fuel Tank Flammability Method
This course is intended to provide participants the ability to assess the flammability exposure of a fuel tank using the Monte Carlo statistical method to determine the flammability of the fuel tank design under a variety of circumstances. Participants also will be able to apply the modifications to the method that are necessary when a Flammability Reduction Means (FRM) is installed. Course Hours: 1.
(27200149) Powerplant: Engine Aircraft Interface Issues
This course outlines Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations and guidance that can affect both engines and aircraft and emphasizes the importance of frequent and timely coordination and communication between engine and aircraft manufacturers during design, development and certification.
Course length: 1 Hour
(27200150) Flight Test: Vibration/Buffeting Compliance Criteria
In this course, you will learn the current regulation, 14 CFR 25.251(b), and the applicants' concerns in meeting the regulation. You will learn about the current FAA policy, which uses a multi-tiered process to determine whether an external modification is still within the original §25.251(b) compliance finding. You will learn the steps that are used to aid the FAA in making this determination, as documented in an Equivalent Levels of Safety (ELOS) Issue Paper (IP).
(27200163) Flight Test: Flight Manual Development Overview
This course outlines learn how to develop flight manuals, including supplements. The information contained in this course is designed to supplement and clarify existing guidance material. Topics include: FAA Regulations and Guidance that govern a Flight Manual; Specific information on writing content for the FM Limitations Section; Cover Page and Revision requirements; Approval authorizations for Designated Engineering Representatives (DERs); Tips to help applicants and DERs provide a high quality product for FAA approval; Good practices related to FM development.
(27200164) Flight Test: Human Factors in Aircraft Certification
This course consists of one lesson and outlines the Human Factors issues, regulations, policies, and guidance as they pertain to aircraft certification, and Human Factors information and resource locations.
(27200165) Mechanical: Airframe Ice Accretions on Transport Category Airplanes
This course outlines issues surrounding consideration of environmental icing conditions on transport category airplanes as they relate to their effect on air data instruments and potential engine ingestion from shedding; airframe ice accretions on transport category airplanes and the potential effect on air data instruments; transport category airframe ice accretions and the potential for engine ingestion.
(27200166) Powerplant: Time Limited Dispatch
This course provides propulsion engineers an overview of Time-Limited Dispatch (TLD) incorporating the main concepts, assumptions, policies, and compliance procedures.
(27200168) Understanding the US/EU Aviation Safety Agreement
The purpose of this training is to provide the FAA/AVS workforce and industry representatives with the knowledge and tools to accomplish tasks related to aircraft certification, manufacturing, maintenance, and continued airworthiness in accordance with the new safety agreement between the U.S. and the European Union. Course Length: 6 hours
(27200170) Structures: FAA Composite Updates Part 1
The Participant will describe the FAA priorities for composite activities in order to ensure safe design, certification, manufacturing, and maintenance, and will describe planned guidelines in the area of composite modifications.
(27200171) Structures: Additive Manufacturing
This course explains the FAA’s expectations and unique considerations when certifying additively manufactured parts and articles.
(27200172) Structures: Introduction to Fatigue and Fatigue Management
The purpose of this course is to define fatigue and explain the fatigue process, as well as, the fatigue requirement objectives for metallic structures. Participants will be able to identify normal and anomalous metal fatigue and the characteristics associated with each type of fatigue. Course Length: 1 Hour
(27200179) Powerplant: Engine Rotor Burst Requirements for Turbine Engine Powered Airplanes
This course is intended to familiarize Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) engineers, Engine Certification Office (ECO), and certification delegation authorities with the regulations, standards, policy, and guidance for meeting the engine rotor integrity compliance and minimize the effects of uncontained engine rotor failure to aircraft as specified by 14 CFR § 33.
Course Length: 1 hour
(9-25815) NextGen Advanced Navigation (Rev 4)
The purpose of this course is to provide participants with: A background on the historical evolution of automatic control systems and design practices; an understanding of the basic functional architectures of automatic controls systems; knowledge of where to look for automation design safety vulnerabilities, using better insight in the control strategies and design approaches employed. Course Length 8 hours.
(9-27200019) Fundamentals of Risk Analysis
This course describes the importance of quantitative risk analysis and identifies the types of risk used in the MSAD process. The participant will learn how to calculate risk values for MSAD and will learn where to collect data for risk analyses. The Topics covered: the value of Quantitative vs. Qualitative Risk; risk measures used in MSAD; the difference between fleet risk and individual risk; the difference between infant mortality, constant rate (random) and wear-out life distributions; the process for calculating risk of random failure; the process for calculating risk of wear-out failures; and how to calculate a control program. Course Length 3 hours.

This course was originally developed for an internal FAA target audience. Students should consider the original intended audience when applying the information contained herein to their particular needs.
(9-27200048) Aircraft Seat Dynamic Impact Test Procedures-History and Background
This course will provide the historical background and information necessary to understand the basis of the regulations and where to seek additional details for the dynamic qualification of aircraft seats. There are multiple documents detailing these requirements. These requirements were developed from extensive research plans and coordination with industry and various agencies. Course Length: 3 Hours
(9-27200050) Software Job Functions: Legacy System Software
This on-line training provides Aviation Safety Engineers with information for assessing an applicant's use of Legacy System Software and associated tools, in accordance with AC 20-115C. PREREQUISITE: Must have working experience with DO-178B or DO-178-C and with FAA policy and guidance related to software approval. Materials: Participants must furnish copies of DO-178C and DO-330 (or Eurocae equivalents). DO-178B, 331, 332, and 333 are beneficial (www.rtca.org). Course Length 3 hours.
(9-27200100) Head Up Displays (HUD) and Vision Systems
The purpose of this training is to provide an in-depth understanding of Head-Up Displays (HUD) and vision systems that can be displayed on the HUD. These vision systems include: Synthetic Vision System (SVS); Enhanced Vision System (EVS); Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS); Combined Vision System (CVS). You will learn how HUD and these vision systems are relevant to your role and responsibilities as an Aircraft Certification Service (AIR) Aviation Safety Engineer (ASE). Course Length 1 hour.
(9-27200103) Software Job Functions: Model-Based Development
Course assists ASEs in assessing applicant data for satisfaction of Model Based Development assurance criteria. Topics: MBD Guidance; Planning Data Evaluation; Development Data Evaluation; and Interaction between Systems and Software Development. Participants must furnish RTCA DO-178C and DO-331 (or EUROCAE equivalents). DO-178B, 330, 332, 333, and ARP4754A are beneficial. PREREQUISITE: Must have working experience with DO-178B or DO-178-C and FAA policy/guidance. Course Length: 6 hours.
(9-27200131) Part 23: A Performance-based Approach to Type Certification of Small Airplanes
This course informs FAA Aviation Safety Engineers (ASEs) about the unique aspects of certifying 14 CFR part 23 aircraft using performance-based rules that became effective in 2017. Lesson topics include: 1) Introduction to the Rule; 2) Consensus Standards; 3) Conceptual Design, Requirements Definition, and Compliance Planning; 4) Means of Compliance; and 5) Implementation.
Course Length: 2.5 Hours.

This course was originally developed for an internal FAA target audience. Students should consider the original intended audience when applying the information contained herein to their particular needs.
You must complete all the courses selected in order to receive a certificate of completion. Are you sure you want to take more than the required number of courses?

Are you absolutely sure you want to take more than the required number of courses? You must complete all the courses in order to receive a Certificate of Completion.

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